Return to volleyball webinar for clubs

Rewatch our return to volleyball webinar for clubs

Club chairs, secretaries and committee members attended Volleyball England’s return to play webinar on Thursday, 6th August to help them to safely kickstart volleyball activity.

The session began with an overview of the general principles of returning to volleyball and then dove into the specifics for indoor, beach and outdoor volleyball.

Risk assessment templates are available on the Volleyball England website to help clubs write their own, and there was further information to guide people through the process in the webinar.

Attendees then had the opportunity to ask their own questions about the return to volleyball guidance.

If you missed the session or would like to rewatch it, a recording has been made available on our YouTube channel. Click here to watch.

Slides: Club Webinar Return to Play


What is the best way to clean volleyballs?

Please seek instructions from the manufacturer on how equipment should be cleaned. Here is some guidance from three of the most common makes of volleyball:

  • Mikasa:
  • Molten:
  • Wilson: Wet wipes, regular disinfectant spray or cloth will not harm Wilson volleyballs, according to the manufacturer, because they are made of composite leather. Make sure volleyballs are completely dry before storing them.

Remember, balls should be cleaned between sessions and wiped down and dried during timeouts and after every set. By regularly sanitising your hands and not touching your face, the risk of transmitting the coronavirus can be greatly reduced.

[NEW] What actions should be taken when a player dives to retrieve a ball and leaves a trail of sweat on the floor?

The floor should be dried with a towel after the next point to prevent the risk of slip injuries. If the individual who dried the floor with a towel used their hands, they should sanitise them afterwards.

[NEW] We have a two-court sports hall, does this mean we can run a training night with 60 players?

You need to conduct your own risk assessment to come up with your own club guidance, looking at the guidance of the Government, the venue and Volleyball England.

[NEW] Will there be any major changes to the NVL rules and regulations?

A major change is the introduction of a 60-second timeout when the first team reaches 15 points in any set for a sanitising break.

There will be an addendum to the NVL regulations that covers changes. We recommend other leagues do the same thing for their league after they have completed their own risks assessments.

[NEW] Will referees be provided with any specific guidance?

Yes, the Officials Working Group is currently preparing these guidelines, which will be published on the Volleyball England website.

[NEW] What should you do if, after attending a volleyball match or training session, you test positive for the coronavirus?

In England, you’ll get an email, text or call from the NHS Test and Trace service if you test positive after having symptoms. You’ll be asked where you’ve been recently and who you’ve been in close contact with. If necessary, you should provide the details of the Covid-19 Officer from the volleyball activity who will have recorded the details or who was in attendance.

What should I do if I have to give first aid? 

St John Ambulance has compiled a guide on delivering first aid during the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to read it in full.



What must affiliated clubs do to ensure they are covered by their Volleyball England member insurance? 

Clubs must follow government and Volleyball England guidance to remain covered. For more information on the insurance cover, click here.

[NEW] Is the coronavirus covered under the Volleyball England’s membership insurance?

There is no cover for contracting the coronavirus due to the challenges in pinpointing when and where it was transmitted. Affiliated clubs following Volleyball England’s guidance will receive assistance from Sports Insure should a claim be raised against a club.

[NEW] Gym equipment is now being housed in the leisure centre sports hall we previously used. What is Volleyball England doing to help us to return?

We are working with Sport England to lobby the Sports Minister to find a solution to this problem. In the meantime, as we are one of the first sports to be able to return to indoor competition, please use this head start to source alternative venues.

We are aware there is also an issue in accessing sports halls at schools and are working with Sport England and the Government to push for extra funding for schools to support their re-opening to external bookings.

[NEW] Does every club require a Covid-19 officer for each session of volleyball activity?

Yes, for every field of play there needs to be a Covid-19 Officer who has responsibility to ensure that all of the mitigating measures and guidance is followed. Click here to find out more about the Covid-19 Officer role

Our club is affiliated to Volleyball England but it is based outside of England, what advice should we follow? 

Please heed the advice from your devolved administration. For example, clubs based in Wales should read the latest advice from Volleyball Wales and the Welsh Government.



[UPDATED] When will the National Volleyball League restart?

Our Competitions Working Group is currently reviewing responses to its latest consultation before submitting a proposal to the Volleyball England Board for approval. It is currently planning for as full a season as possible.

What is the best way to contact the Hub team? 

Volleyball England has furloughed some members of staff for varying periods of time through the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. This means that for the time being staff levels will be down. To help guide your query to a member of staff who will be able to help, we would please ask that, in the first instance, you contact

Staff are continuing to work from home and therefore do not have access to the main office phoneline. However, call forwarding has been arranged for most extensions.

When has Volleyball England cancelled its events up until? 

We are no longer stating when Volleyball England events are cancelled up until, as this was changing on a weekly basis. Instead, we will update you when we are in a position to advise as to when competitions, camps and courses will return.

Can I still buy items from Volleyball England’s online shop?

Yes, but we are unable to put a time frame on when those items will be shipped. Members of staff are working from home and do not currently have access to our storeroom.

If you have made an order, rest assured it will be fulfilled once we return to the office. If you have made an order and now wish to cancel it, please contact our finance team ( who will be able to arrange a refund for you.

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