Category Archives: News

Volleyball England Senior Academy Prospectus 2015/16

Volleyball England are delighted to announce the launch of the Senior Academy Prospectus 2015-16. The continued partnership with Higher Education partners has enabled talented athletes to continue their development within the England talent pathway as well as provide a base … Continue reading

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Reality TV Show

I have received a call from a TV production company that is looking to create a sports based “reality TV” show based on real teams and real players at club level in Olympic sports. They are researching possible story angles, … Continue reading

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2015 Player of the Match Awards

  It’s was a busy 2014-15 season’s for the Player of The Match award, 116 players received nominations and we presented all but one of the awards at the 2015 SWVA Presentation event in Plymouth back in May. It’s taken a little … Continue reading

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Dorset and Hants IZ Update

2014/15 has proved to be a very successful year for developing volleyball at grass roots level across Dorset. In my role as Volleyball Relationship Manager in the Dorset and Hants Volleyball Investment Zone, Active Dorset County Sports Partnership have been … Continue reading

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Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund 2015-16

The weekend is nearly here and so its time to unwind. Why not apply for some free hot chocolate and the chance to get a £300 donation for your club – have a good weekend and good luck to those … Continue reading

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Level 1 Volleyball Coaching Course – Bournemouth

I can confirm that a UKCC Level 1 Volleyball Coaching Course will be taking place on Sun 1st November, Sun 13th December and Sunday 20th December at Leaf Academy, Bournemouth. The course is 3 days and all candidates will be … Continue reading

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The 5th Annual Higher Education Volleyball Officer (HEVO) conference took place last weekend at the National Volleyball Centre in Kettering.  The significant growth in Higher Education volleyball was demonstrated with 76 students attending, this was a record number (42% increase … Continue reading

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Kephas Muzuma Combined School – Namibia

I went over to Namibia on a school trip, we had a variety of activities lined up, one of which was working at a school for 5 days doing general repairs. I was lucky enough to receive some volleyball equipment … Continue reading

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Grade 4 entry level indoor Referee Course

I am happy to announce that we have been able to rearrange the Grade 4 Referee Course in Taunton. Please find all the details below and in the attached document. Kind Regards, Swantja Glindemann, Volleyball Taunton Taunton, Wellsprings Leisure Centre Sunday 22nd … Continue reading

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Veterans Tournament – St Malo June 2016

We have a number of SW clubs who nip across the channel for various events, here is another one…. Bonjour, Je suis le président de VVBF (vétérans volley ball france). Depuis 5 années nous organisons le Challenge de France Vétérans. … Continue reading

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