My IRC Experience 2017 – Toby Tapp

Toby Tapp (back row, third from the right)

This year’s Inter-regional championships started slow for our U17’s team as we dropped a set to South East as we made a few mistakes. For me it was quite a big change from last year where I was the main setter as this year I was either outside or opposite, however I feel I adapted well and played as best I could.

Winning both of our 2 games on Sunday and with London and East still to play, we were feeling confident. That confidence was quickly knocked as we lost to West Midlands which was down to our mistakes giving points away.

The competition overall ran smoothly; only being delayed shortly by long, 3 set games. The final game was between us and London, we had figured out (by reading the rules) that whoever won that game would win the competition. It was a hard fought game to 3 sets which we eventually won.

However, at the presentation London still believed that they had won despite going through the rules as there was confusion as we had both won equal amounts of games during the competition. However the rules were clear the winner of the last match won overall.

As my last year with the U17’s team it was really good to be able to win the competition and as an improvement on last year’s 2nd place. I want to say a big thanks to Torexe volleyball club and specifically Dave Reece for enabling me to go to the competition the last 3 years and I hope that future years can replicate our success.

Toby Tapp

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