Student Volleyball Survey Results

Exciting initial results from student volleyball survey

Initial findings from the student volleyball survey have revealed that 125 students have got into volleyball for the first time this year through the Higher Education Volleyball Officer (HEVO) programme.

This is particularly exciting as the figures are only interim results as the student volleyball survey is still open. All students who have taken part in any HEVO sessions this academic year are encouraged to complete the survey by the deadline of this Wednesday, 24 January 2018.

The HEVO programme sees students take up roles in which they put on recreational volleyball sessions for fellow students in universities across England. These sessions are separate to university volleyball teams and are a fun way for students to try the sport. The HEVO initiative is Volleyball England’s flagship programme for increasing participation in volleyball.

The initial stats from the survey highlight how it continues to increase volleyball participation:

·         125 students had never played volleyball before this year

·         19% of student participants have progressed to a university team

·         83% of participants stop playing volleyball when not at university

More than that, the figures show how these students have the potential to be a part of the volleyball community for years to come:

·         40% are likely or very likely to continue playing volleyball after university

·         44% would like to join a club in the community

“The initial results of the survey are very encouraging and we need more students to complete the survey to fully understand the impact of the programme and how it can continue to be developed,” says Rob Payne, Volleyball England’s core market coordinator.

Any student who completes the survey will be in with a chance of winning a great prize. While the university with the most participant responses will win some training equipment for their sessions, each individual student will be entered into a prize draw. First place will receive a Volleyball England hoody, second place a Mikasa match volleyball and third prize will win a Volleyball England t-shirt.

“The success of the scheme is down to the effort and commitment shown by all of the HEVOs,” says Rob. “They work hard to deliver volleyball sessions which are fun and welcoming to any student who is interested in volleyball, regardless of their experience or level of ability. There has been so much positive feedback in the survey about the sessions the HEVOs provide.”

One participant commented that it was “the best decision I’ve made since being at university” to go along to their university’s HEVO sessions. While another commented on the social and health benefits saying the sessions are “quality time spent with friends that gives benefit in my physical and mental health.”

While Volleyball England’s current focus is on serving its core market, those people who are already committed to the sport, funding is provided by Sport England for the HEVO scheme as it has a proven record of helping to grow the sport.

from VE web site

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