SWVA@50 Anniversary Event & Buffet Tickets

This season marks our 50th Anniversary and our first major event will be the SW Vets tournament, 9th November (10 am to 6pm at the Riverside LC, Exeter) followed by an evening celebration at the Mill on the Exe, Exeter (ground Floor function room).

The evening event will be split into two, both events will have access to the SWVA@50 set of displays, slide show plus a selection of food. The function room has its own bar and services, come along, feel free to stay for both events, subsidised tickets are required (so we can confirm numbers with the caterers).

SWVA 50th Anniversary Buffet

Tickets (£10 Per Person)

Come and celebrate 50 years of SW Volleyball with us on the 9th November, meet old friends (we are expecting a good number of past members to attend), check out the SWVA displays, buffet and celebration cake at the Mill on the Exe, Exeter.

7pm to Close – SW 50th Anniversary Buffet

  • Pre event: 6pm to 7pm – SW Vets Presentation – meet the teams
  • 7:45pm – Buffet
  • 8:15pm – Speeches
  • 8:30pm – Toast and then Cutting of the Cake
  • 9:00pm – Social Time till close

SWVA@50 Displays and Mementos

  • TimeOut Newsletter and items from the SWVA Archives
  • Back ground Slide Show – The early years
  • SWVA Rolls of Honours – 50 years of history and event winners
  • Whitefield Tournament display – the first 46 years
  • Local leagues & Area Associations – Items from the past
  • Volleyball Newsletter Display – Started on line in 1995 with issues 001
  • Exeter Challenge Reports – Now in its 25th year,
    Other Items Welcome…

More Info and Ticket Purchase

SWVA the early years 1969 – 1979

SWVA, the 80’s

SWVA, the 90’s

Full size SWVA@50 Photos: 1970’s / 1980’s / 1990’s

** Tickets on Sale until the 25th Oct 2019 **

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