Volleyball England’s Annual Awards

Volleyball England’s Annual Awards is one method in which we thank our valued and amazing volunteers for the hard work they perform throughout the year, as well as recognising our winning NVL teams and league MVPs.  This highly successful event continues to grow year on year providing a great evening’s entertainment for all.  The 2013 Annual Awards Evening will be held on Saturday 20th April at the National Volleyball Centre, Kettering, after the National Cup Finals.

Do you know a volunteer or referee who deserves recognition for all the time and effort they contribute to volleyball?  Or are you part of an extra special club?  Then why not spend a couple of minutes and nominate them for a Volleyball England Award?  See the ‘Volleyball England 2013 Award Categories’ file for more details of the different categories.


For the Volunteer and Referee Awards either nominate below or using the ‘Volleyball England 2013 Annual Awards Nomination Form.’  For the Club of the Year Award, nominate on the ‘Volleyball England 2013 Club of the Year Nomination Form.’  The nomination process runs until Sunday 3rd March.

For more information on the Awards or assistance in nominating, please contact Ilona Berry (National Volunteer and Leadership Development Officer) on i.berry@volleyballengland.org or 01509 227713.

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