Reg Cardiff Wildcats

Cardiff Wildcats (CWC) SWVA Club Details

Deposit Paid: £50 (updated 2012)


£50 Cancelled Fixture 3rd Feb (Rule 4) – Paid 12th May 2013
£25 Failed to Cancel fixture 20th Jan (Rule 14i) – Paid 12th May 2013
£20 Suspended Fine 10/02/2013 (rule 14i) – Cancelled 24th April
£10 late entry of results and scoresheet 16th Dec – Paid 12th May 2013

Cardiff Wildcats Ladies Player Registrations (CWCLxx)

(please allocated the next number, E.G. if 11 are listed, 12 will be the next number)

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Total Records Found: 0, showing 1000 per page


Cardiff Wildcats Men Player Registrations (CWCMxx)

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Total Records Found: 0, showing 1000 per page